Monday, September 12, 2011

Our Honeymoon Pt. 3

Here are the last of our honeymoon photos. We had such an incredible time and I'm already counting down the days until we go back (no, not literally.) I love knowing it's somewhere we can go and just relax. It was such a great place for us to focus only on us and put everything else away. I am so looking forward to our next adventure together...a weekend in Vancouver will most likely be next (have to wait for my name to officially change.) Anyways, here are the rest of the pictures with some more captions...

We bought matching hoodies!! and...discovered "Nuts and Bolts" in the trunk!

We loved biking down to the marina and the horse ranch. The views were unbelievable and I wanted so badly to go horseback riding (we didn't know we needed next time). 

Matt loved his grill! He grilled out every night. Steak, chicken and pork chops :) We also grilled veggies for the first time and will be doing that a lot more now. So yummy.

The pool was so relaxing. It was so nice the day after Labor Day everyone was gone and we pretty much had the pool to ourselves. The views of the golf course and mountains were unbelievable while lounging by the pool and I loved it. Matt had his iPad and Angry Birds and I was all set with my magazines. 

This is our favorite picture...we are going to enlarge it to hang in our home...It captures our honeymoon perfectly. (and...our bikes were awesome)

I also love this one :) This was my view the whole trip...Matt always led the way.

We went to eat ice cream at Goody's. It is a fun old ice cream and candy parlor. It doesn't beat 
Beaches N Cream, was close :) 

There was a very nice old man who saw us together and came up to us to ask if we wanted our picture taken. We told him we were on our honeymoon and he told us he was there with his family. He has been coming to Sunriver for 60 years, before it was ever a resort. Him and his wife now own a home there and they bring their grandchildren there. Matt and I would love to be able to do that someday. Before he walked away I gave his granddaughter the cherry off of my sundae :)...(after she asked her grandpa if she could have it lol...) very cool story. The man, not the cherry.

We had our very first picnic together!! Our whole honeymoon was very "The Notebook"

Our house was great and we hope to get to stay in it again next summer!

Leaving was sad...we didn't know what to expect coming home. Would things still be stressful? ...the answer is ---- Nope! Things have been wonderful. Being a newlywed is the best!

3 Paper Birch Lane

Our ride home was so beautiful. We drove through Warm Springs (Radiator Springs! Cars Land!)

We are now home and all settled. We moved Matt into my office so now it is "our" office. We share our extra large desk and face each other when we work everyday :) We love being married!

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